Claue - Clean and Minimal Magento Theme

by Arrow-Theme

$99 USD

Reviews★★★★★4.61 238 ratings
  • Front-End Page Builder
  • Optimized for Site Performance
  • Easily Customizable
Claue - Clean and Minimal Magento Theme
Magento/Claue - Clean and Minimal Magento Theme
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Claue – Clean and Minimal Magento Theme

Claue – Clean and Minimal Magento Theme is an excellent template for a modern and multipurpose eCommerce store with 32+ Homepage Layouts and tons of options for Shop, Blog, Portfolio, Store locator layouts and other useful pages. Claue will meet & fit any kind of eCommerce sites as you imagine.

With the upgrade from Magento 1 to Magento 2, now Claue has lots of powerful features for your multipurpose eCommerce store. Sale Of Page, Instant Search, 360 Image View, One Step Checkout, Shop By Brand, Auto-related Products. All are included into this Clean and Minimal Magento Theme.

Furthermore, Claue is built based on Front-End Page Builder and tons of extensions such as Mega Menu, Store Locator, Daily Deals, Advanced Reports, Quick View, Color Swatchers, Ajax Cart, Products Questions,.... Which total save more than $689. So, it will bring a power for you to transform your dream shop into a magic digital outcome is limitless. Let Claue flourish your business and reach your full potential today.

Claue is compatible with Magento: 2.4.7

Compatible with PHP Versions: 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3

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Extension list

  • Front-end Builder theme
  • Ajax Cart
  • Ajax Layered Navigation
  • Blog
  • Shop by Brand
  • GDPR
  • Guest Wishlist
  • Instant Search
  • Lookbook
  • Megamenu
  • Portfolio
  • Promotion Banner
  • Product Tabs
  • Quick View
  • Store Locator
  • Testimonial

Claue – Other features list

  • Multiple Google fonts available & add custom font types
  • Social Share with Share This
  • Unlimited Colors
  • Google rich snippets
  • Multiple type of static blocks are defined for homepage layouts: about us, services, counter, workspace, business hours,...
  • Too easy to Install Sample Data
  • Allow to configure Product Grid 2 to 8 Columns
  • Show/hidden options in product page
  • Allow to setup Responsive with On/Off Mode
  • Facebook like box
  • Lastest twitter
  • Popup newsletter
  • Sticky menu
  • Vertical megamenu
  • Custom background color, image and pattern
  • Back to top button
  • Price slider filter
  • Support SEO
  • Ajax load product loading
  • Different product ratio
  • Custom product tab
  • Up-sell slider
  • Multiple effects loading element
  • Cross browser and all platform
  • Compatible all devices
  • Validate W3C

Third Party Extensions Compatible


Version 2.2.4 – 2 August 2024
- Compatible with Magento 2.4.7-p1.
- Update ElasticSuite extension for Magento 2.4.7-p1.
- Add new module Buy Now
- Add new module callbyprice
- Fix bugs module aquickview
- Fix bugs module portfolio
- Fix bugs module blog
- Fix bugs module storelocator
- Fix bugs module OSCheckout
- Fix bugs module Themesettings
- Fix bugs module FBuilder
- Fix bugs module MGS_csp.
- Fix some style script errors.
- Update some style and script issues.
Version 2.2.3 – 25 April 2024
- Compatible with Magento 2.4.7.
- Update ElasticSuite extension for Magento 2.4.7.
- Fix bugs module portfolio.
- Fix bugs module blog.
- Fix bugs module storelocator.
- Fix bugs module OSCheckout.
- Fix bugs block FBuilder Map, Countdown Box.
- Fix bugs module MGS_csp.
- Fix some style script errors.
- Add attribute product snippet rich-text search.
- Update some style and script issues.

Version 2.2.2: – 03 January 2024

- Fix Quickview error on the Category page when use ElasticSuite.
- Product attribute ajax error in Category page when use character.
- Added wishlist count to the wishlist icon in the header.
- Fix slider row in Frontend Builder Product by attribute block.
- Fix some style issues.

Version 2.2.1 – 17 November 2023
- Fix Logo issue.
- Fix Dark mode style issue.
- Fix Slider loading error.
- Fix Lazy load Blog image issue.
- Fix error widget multiple color in Category page.
- Fix some style error.
Version 2.2.0 – 03 october 2023
- New Right to Left support, Please active Claue RTL theme in Content > Configuration > Claue RTL.
- Update design for Home Default, Home Cosmetics, Home Furniture.
- Fix theme error in Minify JS.
- Remove change product row in category page.
- New Breadcrumbs layout for Category page.
- Fix truncate category description issue.
- Fix issue with Shipping method in Onestep Checkout.
- Update CSP module issues.
- Update Role resources for Mega Menu and Store Locator.
- Update video background for Frontend Builder.
- Fix Add to cart in related product conflict with Ajax Cart.
- Fix quantity in Lookbook and Lookbook add to cart in product detail page.
- Update Sidebar addtional for all page, use widget instead.
- Fix countdown deal product issue.
- Fix quantity issue in cart page.
- New loading home page slider.
- Fix Cart in Mobile bar issue when use dropdown minicart.
- Update some style and srcipt issues.
Version 2.1.22 – 31 July 2023
New Shoe Homepage:
Fixed Instagram token cannot get issue.
Fixed Mega Menu style issue.
Fixed Blog, Brand, Portfolio, Testimonial extension issue.
Fixed some style issues.
Version 2.1.21 – 13 June 2023
New Instagram Shop Homepage:
New Medical 2 Homepage:
New Onepage Homepage:
New Lookbook 2 Homepage:
New Market 2 Homepage:
New Dark Version Homepage:
New Header 10 version.
New Footer 6 version.
Fixed some style issues.

Version 2.1.20 – 2 June 2023

- New Jewelry Homepage:
- New Left Sidebar Homepage:
- New header 9 version.
- Fix Breadcrumb error.
- Fix change column not save when reload category page.
- Fix some style issues.

Version 2.1.19 – 26 May 2023

- New Market Homepage:
- New Medical Homepage:
- New Boxed Homepage:
- New Mix Homepage:
- New Parallax Homepage:
- Update layout for Product Category, Blog page
- Fix Store Location extension issue
- New Breadcrumb config for Product Category, Blog page.
- Fix some style issues

Version 2.1.18 – 18 May 2023

- New Handmade Homepage:
- New Watches Homepage:
- New Static Image Homepage:
- New Store Locator Extension for Magento 2:
- Fix Lookbook issue with Magento 2.4.6.
- Fix Grid/List style on Category page.

Version 2.1.17 – 11th May 2023
- New Baby Store Homepage:
- New Cosmetics Homepage:
- New Product with sticky info version 2 in product detail page.
- Fix style Editor for Frontend Builder.
- Fix some style issues.

Version 2.1.16 – 5 May 2023

- New Organic Homepage:
- New Product accordion tab in product detail page.
- New Product with sticky info in product detail page.
- Fix style dark mode.
- Fix some style issues

Version 2.1.15 – 27 April 2023
- New Pets Store Homepage:
- New Game Store Homepage:
- New Header version 8
- New Breadcrumb for Product Detail Page
- Dark mode feature
- Fix PHP Deprecated
- Fix Shop by brand error with ElasticSuite
- Fix cannot Import color settings.
- Fix Font Settings in backend.
- Fix Show all tab issue in product detail page.
- Fix Swatches cannot change image issue.
- Fix some style, script issues
Version 2.1.14 – 24 March 2023
- Compatible with php 8.2.
- Fix compare button error in quickview.

Version 2.1.13 – 20 March 2023

- Compatible with Magento 2.4.6
- Fix issue with php version 8.2
- Update ElasticSuite extension for Magento 2.4.6
- Update for some js libraries
- Fix gallery product details issue
- Fix some style, script issues

Version 2.1.12 – 11 March 2023

- Fix issue with php version 8.1
- Fix jQuery deprecated issue
- Fix mega menu style issue
- Fix Product detail slider issue
- Fix Product AR 3D viewer issue
- New Lazyload feature for images
- Fix Size guilde style
- Fix Popup newsletter issue
- Fix some style, script issues

2nd March 2023
- Fix issue with php version 8.1
- Fix Active theme issue
- Fix Blog issue with php version 8.1
- Fix testimonial with blank image

13th January 2023

- Update patch magento 2.4.5 for Claue V1

25th October 2022
- Update patch for magento 2.4.5
Version 2.1.9 – 10th Aug 2022
- Fix issue with php version 8.1
- Fix Onestep checkout issue
- Fix brand page issue
- Fix editor in Blog
Version 2.1.8 – 11th Jul 2022
- Fix active theme issue
Version 2.1.7 – 27th Jun 2022
- Fix issue increase, decrease qty in Shopping Cart
- Fix issue increase, decrease qty in Onestep Checkout
- Fix login issue in OneStep Checkout
- Fix minicart issue
- Fix tooltip issue on register page
Version 2.1.6 – 14th Jun 2022
- Fix Paypal payment method for Onestep Checkout
- Fix issue increase/decrease qty buttons on PDP
- Fix issue category has bundle product(s)
Version 2.1.5 – 10th Jun 2022
- Update patch for Magento 2.4.4+
- Fix megamenu issue
- Fix product tab issue
Version 2.1.4 – 26th May 2022
- Update patch for Magento 2.4.4
- Fix issue when creating child theme.
- Fix "include_in_menu" issue for megamenu
- Fix coupon cart issue
- Fix sharethis block issue
- Fix some config issues
Version 2.1.3 – 24h March 2022
- Fix ElasticSuite extension issue
Version 2.1.2 & Version 1.9.19 – 18th March 2022
Version 2.1.2:
- Update home page layout: Auto Part ( Claue V2)
- Option to disable delivery date on Onestep Checkout
- Fix "Term & Condition" issue on Onestep Checkout
- Fix style issue on Onestep Checkout
- Fix issue price slider on mobile
Version 1.9.19:
- Update Onestep Checkout for Claue V1
Version 2.1.1 – 26th January 2022
- Fix Label config for Ajax Layered Navigation
- Fix Megamenu other root category issue
Version 2.1.0 – 1st December 2021
- Onestep Checkout extension
- Homepage Layouts: Lookbook, Product Categories, Metro
Version 2.0.2 – 1st December 2021
- Fix header style issue on mobile
Version 2.0.1 – 17th Nov 2021
- New homepage named Home Christmas:

Version 2.0.0 & 1.9.18 – 20th October 2021

Big Update:
Release Version 2.0

Update Version 1.9.18:
- Update homepage layout: Home Baby
- Update homepage layout: Home Game Store

- Out of stock configurable products issue

Version 1.9.17 – 30th Sep 2021

- New homepage named Home Pets Store:
- Patch for Magento 2.4.3
- Logo not show on magento 2.4.3

Version 1.9.16 – 07th Sep 2021
- New homepage named Home Onepage:
- Swatches issue on product details page
Version 1.9.15 – 26th Aug 2021
- New homepage named Home Metro:
Version 1.9.14 – 21st Aug 2021
- New homepage named Home Organic:
- Fix issue button cannot click on brand list page
- Fix issue Re-order link 404
Version 1.9.13 – 4th Aug 2021
- Fix issue minicart message is not showing
Version 1.9.12 – 21st Jul 2021
- Fix issue minicart close after add to cart
- Fix issue 3D product not display
- Fix issue 360 degree image not display
Version 1.9.11 – 7th Jul 2021
Fix issue no pagination in cart page 
Version 1.9.10 – 22th June 2021
- New homepage named Home Medical 2:
- There is no option to enable Navigation Link at bottom of device on the mobile
Version 1.9.9 – 18th June 2021
- New homepage named Home Valentine:
- Some small issues
Version 1.9.8 – 11th March 2021
- Update patch for Magento 2.4.2
- Style Issue in list of guest wishlist product
- The images are not showing in wysiwyg folder after applying the theme to 1.9.7 version:
Version 1.9.7 – 25th December 2020
- Product 3D models, the instruction herein:
- Demo for 3D models:
- Use 360 degree Product Image in the gallery instead of on popup
Version 1.9.6 – 11th December 2020
- Console error of Instant Search module
- Multiple selection of layered navigation doesn't work on Magento 2.4.x

- Add new design to display the quick view as well and add to cart feature on mobile:
- Add bottom navigation feature on mobile:
Version 1.9.5 – 23th Oct 2020
- Minicart issue on Magento 2.4.1
- Theme Setting get blank after install the theme

- A patch for Magento 2.4.1 and update document as well.
Version 1.9.4 – 9th Oct 2020
- Improve the effect hover on the product image
- Sale Popup extension

- Voice Search not working
- Error with new product block on the homepage
Version 1.9.3 – 21th August 2020
- Layer navigation on Magento 2.4.0, now layer navigation is without multiple filter
- Condition of Instagram and ignore video from widget Instagram
- Issue with promo banner when import a homepage
Version 1.9.2 – 16th August 2020
- Voice Search on mobile (only work on Android device)
- Select default expand or not expand for each attribute in Layer Navigation
- Publish Date for Blog item
- Store View selection for testimonial
- Update document and patch for Magento 2.4.0

- Refuse issue in console on Magento 2.3.5 or later
- Add Alt tag to Owl Slider Image and promo banner, good for SEO
- The slider images doesn't show when edit Front-end Builder after importing
- Less email missing in confirmation email after register
- And some minor bugs
Version 1.9.1 – 7th July 2020
- Update Instagram's API
Version 1.9.0 – 8th June 2020
- New homepage called Medical Home:
- Updated the document for 2.3.5-p1

$99 USD

4,926 sales
  • ✓ Included: Quality checked by Envato
  • ✓ Included: Future updates
  • ✓ Included: 6 months support from Arrow-Theme
Last Update02 Aug 2024
Published27 Jun 2017
Tagsboostrap 4, customizable template, ecommerce theme, fashion, fastest magento theme, light and dark, lookbook, magento 1, magento 2, minimal, mobile friendly, responsive magento theme, rtl theme, shopping, unlimited colors

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