Announcing Fluxstore 1.7

Announcing Fluxstore 1.7

  • 03 Feb 2020
  • 21 Mins read

Last updated 14/08/2020, Fluxstore 1.7.7 Changelogs.

Greeting from InspireUI, hope you are feeling good safe out there! This is our regular update for the detailed changelog guide for the awesome Fluxstore apps.

1. Changelog for 1.7.0

On this release, we focus mostly on the Opencart features, app performance upgrades, stability, and make it work smoothly with the latest Fluxbuilder tool.

1. New - add Opencart Product Options, Coupon, and Guest Checkout.
2. New - add new languages Romanian, Italian, Turkish, and Indonesian.
3. New - update first loading to 2x faster.
4. New - add more advanced config options to hide the Social Login button, hide Rating/Review, resize Image.
5. New - add Forgot password as the native screen (WooCommerce).
6. New - upgrade the Webview Payment with new `NativeOnePageCheckout` config
7. Update - login screen to compatible with Apple SignIn button
8. Update - add more missing languages.
9. Update - upgrade the Billing Address screen, also save long/lat to Order note (WooCommerce)
10. Update - fix some checkout and payment issues when closing and reopen the app.
11. Update - refactor model core library to make the code cleaner and easy to maintain.
12. Update - compatible with new Fluxbuilder 1.0.4 -

1.1. Opencart Product Options, Coupon, and Guest Checkout.

In order to update this feature, please make sure to update the Opencart-extension including from the download package and from config for more options from the Opencart admin.

After config, the app will work like magic to support the Product Options from Opencart. Those following types are supported at the current release.

allowed Types support from Opencart
Opencart Admin Setting for Product Options

1.2. New languages Romanian, Italian, Turkish, and Indonesian.

Thank you so much for Enes Tayfur, Dragos Doroianu, Suhendra Ruzain, XLidoni, and Ykarapanca to help us with the translation.

1.3 Upgrade loading to 2x faster.

We have updated the UX so that it could be able to run the app faster. All you need to do is just wait 2 seconds for loading the splash screen then the data is all ready to use.

Please make sure to enable the isCaching from the config file as well, for more info please check more guide from


1.4. Add more advanced config options

Update the common/config/general.dart to show/hide the Login options:

/// Option to show/hide the Social Login
const kLoginSetting = {
"IsRequiredLogin": false,
'showAppleLogin': true,
'showFacebook': true,
'showSMSLogin': true,
'showGoogleLogin': true,
/// Enable the Start Rating features
"EnableRating": true,
/// If the Start Rating is empty, we could hide it or keep with blank star
"hideEmptyProductListRating": false,

/// set to true if you have finish running Re-generate image plugin
"kIsResizeImage": false,
File common/config/general.dart

1.5. Add Forgot password as the native screen

This feature is available for the WooCommerce only, to enable the native forgot password screen, we just only set forgetPassword: ""

/// set blank to use as native screen
"forgetPassword": ""

1.6. Upgrade the Webview Payment.

Open the option from common/config/payment.dart

/// Enable Payment option
"EnableOnePageCheckout": false,
"NativeOnePageCheckout": true

The default option of NativeOnePageCheckout is set to true to support the Payment that combines both Native and WebView, if you would like to disable this option and enable the OnePageCheckout update EnableOnePageCheckout: true

As this update contains a lot of file changes, which is not suitable if you have already spent a lot of effort in customizing your app, we suggest keeping the previous version if you are satisfied with your customization.

To get more detail about the file update, please check out from the private Gitlab repository. If you do not have an access right, please submit to this form

1.7. Compatible with new Fluxbuilder 1.0.4

As you may know, the latest Fluxstore is compatible with our recent release Fluxbuilder — a great tool to help customize the Flutter app easier. Please make sure to update the FluxBuilder app to the latest version with a new bug fix, Shopify compatible, new Login UX upgrade, faster loading time.

Let us help you to build the powerful e-commerce Flutter app with ease 👍.

Thank you so much for your time, let us know if you have any feedback!

2. Changelog for 1.7.1 and 1.7.2

This release is mainly focused to update some issues from 1.7.0 and upgrade the app more stable, thank you Kumsalajans, and Rodrigoalves1901 have shared with us the German and Portuguese languages.

version 1.7.2–03 — May 2020

1. New - add new German-language - thank you
2. New - add Static page demo by using new native PostScreen
3. Update - fix the product variant button

version 1.7.1–30 — Apr 2020

1. New - add German & Brazil language
2. New - add Product List ListTile layout
3. Update - variant button issue
4. Update - fix product Paging issue
5. Update - fix onboarding could not display
6. Update - provide solution to support WP Shortcode by using
7. Update - fix Blank page when enable isCaching & after Login
8. Update - fix Total Price issue
9. Update - fix Whatspp smartchat link
10. Update - update "On Back Order" status.

We also add a new video to guide more detail for the Push Notification on Firebase for both iOS and Android

There is user has issue with the Login SHA config issue when releasing to App Store or Google Play, please follow this guide to fix, we will upgrade the detailed Video to explain more this.

3. Changelog for 1.7.3

Yeah, we have the latest release of Flutter 1.17 today, and we can’t wait to notice the new release of Fluxstore 1.7.3

1. New - update to compatible with latest Flutter 1.17
2. New - add new Sticky Header on Homescreen
3. New - add new French language
4. Update - fix coupon issue
5. Update - fix order note
6. Update - latest pubspec library
7. Update - fix some minor bugs fix
8. Update - improve overal performance

3.1. Compatible with the latest Flutter 1.17

Important Migration: please make sure to run this script to update to the latest Flutter version, and re-install all pub spec libraries.

flutter channel stable
flutter upgrade --force
// go to the Fluxstore project and also run
flutter clean
flutter pub get

If you are using Android Studio, open the pubspec.yaml and click the Pub get button, then rebuild the project again, make sure all the Dart Analysis is empty (without any warning)

3.2. Add Sticky Header on Homepage

To enable the sticky header on the Homepage, open the config/config_en.json and update StickyHeader to true.

"Setting": {
"StickyHeader": true

Also, we also got a lot of question on how to change this Hamberger menu, this is the answer

3.3. Add new French language

Thank you Hassan Riahi has sent us a new French-language file (we are still in middle to investigate the Extra Product Options, hope it will be ready soon).

We also include some bug fix from Github and improve a lot the app performance, the team is working hard to share some cool video on the next couple of days. Thank you so much for your time!

4. Changelog for 1.7.4

- New - add more features config to compare with Fluxbuilder v1.0.5
- New - add more config the MaxOrder (maxAllowQuantity)
- Update - support push notification with OneSignal.
- Update - fix the product Filters issues
- Update - fix the Google Login issue.
- Update - some bug fixes and improve performances.
- Update - latest libraries and fix build issues.
  • The new release will be compatible with the latest Fluxbuilder, please make sure to update Fluxbuilder to the latest version, there is the new Blog post to clarify all the detail of new Fluxbuilder features.
  • We have moved back to support the OneSignal Push notification as this is great feature but has some build issue that it was supported for a while from the previous 1.7.x. So far, you could able to use both Firebase or OneSignal to push notification to end-user, make sure to add new config `kOneSignalKey` to `lib/common/config/general.dart`
  • After integrating with the app, you may find out the app loading is slow compare with the previous 1.7.0, this could cause by “kIsResizeImage” is set as false, please follow this guide to optimize the Product Images.

5. Changelog for 1.7.5

In this release, we focus to upgrade the app more stable and fix the performance issue that happens on the latest Flutter 1.17

1. New - add new Hungary language
2. Update - fix performance issues on Android
3. Update - fix duplicate Categories (happen on large amount items)
4. Update - add new Tooltip on product attribute
5. Update - support the large number of Attributes items.
6. Update - some minor bug fix and UI upgrades.

We also add new videos to guide how to use Git to manage the source on Gitlab easily, below video will come with this wiki tutorial.

  • To upgrade the latest release, make sure to update to latest Flutter version 1.17.x by running these script:
flutter channel stable
flutter upgrade --force
flutter clean
flutter pub get
// If you still have issues with the build script, try to follow the Clean cache solution:

6. Changelog for 1.7.6

In this release, we focus to upgrade the app loading performance and minor bug fixed.

1. Update - load country and state list from Opencart API
2. Update - improver performance on Search Page and add DeBounce
3. Update - add new `name` option to Category JSON config to improve the loading UX.
4. Fixed - Android-R build issue
5. Fixed - SMS Login issue and also upgrade the latest SMS library.
6. Fixed - Language switcher when enabling Caching
7. Fixed - blank icon on push notification
8. Updated - latest pubspec library to compatible with Fluxbuilder 1.0.6
9. Updated - refactor common library and add extra Uni-Test.

7. Changelog for 1.7.7

In this release, there are new upgrades more functionalities for the Shipping and Coupon enhancement, also update the latest library to compatible with new awesome Flutter 1.20.1

version 1.7.7 - 14 Aug 2020
1. Update - Compatible with latest stable flutter 1.20.x
2. Upgrade - performance improvement
3. Update - Support extra Shipping Features
4. Update - Support extra Coupon Features
5. Update - Improve search UX
6. Update - Compatible with Fluxbuilder 1.0.7
7. Update - Add more Address Billing options
8. Update - Add no-internet animation
9. Update - Fix Languages switching cause incorrect Category

The InspireUI has been working very hard on this release to support new amazing Flubuilder look and feel and a lot of features enhancements, the new version will be also announced on another Blog post.

8. Distinguish the difference between all Fluxstore apps:

1. FluxStore Pro: this is multi-purpose Flutter app compatible with all Woocommerce, Opencart 3.x, or Magento 2.x websites. If you have already released the website or setup new sites, this product is suitable for your requirements.
2. FluxStore Multi Vendor: use this app to build your own marketplace like Amazon, Alibaba… This app is compatible with Woocommerce website and requires to install Dokan or WCFM plugin.
3. FluxStore WooCommerce: the features are same with FluxStore Pro, but only focus compatible with any WooCommerce websites.
4. FluxNews: compatible with any Wordpress templates
5. FluxStore Listing: use to build innovative apps like Airbnb, TripAdvisor, Yelp or FourSquare. This app requires to install one of following WooCommerce templates: Listeo, ListingPro, or MyListing
6. FluxStore Shopify: compatible with any Shopify stores

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